Welcome to the website of the Medical Faculty of Leiden Students

The 111th Board of the M.F.L.S. welcomes you to our renewed website! 
Welcome to the website of the Medical Faculty of Leiden Students


  • LCR Zomerborrel

    09 August from 9:00 PM until 1:00 AM
  • M.F.L.S. Trip 2024

    01 until 03 November 2024


Announcing 112th M.F.L.S. Board

Published: 12 June 2024

We proudly present the 112th candidate board of the M.F.L.S.! They will be accepted at the next General Members Assembly on Thursday 13th of June!

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  • Charity 2023-2024

    Published: 22 December 2023

    It is a good tradition that each M.F.L.S.-board chooses a charity. The Board is committed to raising money for this charity throughout the year, such as during M.F.L.S.-week, Active Members Weekend an

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    Published: 15 March 2023

    The Leiden International (Bio)medical Student Conference, or LIMSC for short, is a conference organized by students studying at the LUMC, the medical faculty of the University of Leiden. The first edi

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Latest Photos

  • VriMiBo op=op

    05 July 2024
  • JVT BW2 Propedeuse Uitreiking

    02 July 2024
  • IntegraCo Picknick

    28 June 2024
  • M.F.L.S.-feest 'Mooi Fout Lekker Swingen'

    28 June 2024

Medical Faculty of Leiden Students

The Medical Faculty of Leiden Students, better known as the M.F.L.S., is the study association for all students of the faculty LUMC. These bachelor and master students become automatically a member. As a result, the Association counts more than 3.000 members.


Centrally located in the LUMC, the M.F.L.S. features their own pub: HePatho. The Bar Committee is the host of this bar. in het LUMC beschikt de M.F.L.S. over een eigen bar: Sociëteit HePatho. De Barcommissie is gastheer van deze bar. You can lunch, drink or party here. Stop by to try delicious cold drinks and fresh toasties! 

L.M.D. Forestus

The Leiden Medical 'Dispuut' (student association) Forestus is the fifth core task of the M.F.L.S. and is founded at the 27th of May 1992. This association is an independent functioning organisation within the M.F.L.S., with their own Board. More information can be found on the website of Forestus.
