Committee of Recommendation (CvA)
The members of the Committee of Recommendation (CvA) are individuals who associate their name with the M.F.L.S. In this way they indicate that they support the activities and objectives of the Association.
Honorary member M.F.L.S. and former president Board of Directors LUMC | Prof.dr O.J.S. Buruma |
Honorary member M.F.L.S., former Dean and former member Board of Directors LUMC | Prof.dr. E.C. Klasen |
Dean and member Board of Directors LUMC | Prof. dr. P.C.W. Hogendoorn |
Rector Magnificus Leiden University | Prof. dr. ir. H. Bijl |
Former President Board of Directors LUMC | Prof. dr. W.J.M. Spaan |
Former President Board of Directors LUMC | Prof. dr. F.C. Breedveld |
Former Rector Magnificus Leiden University | C.J.J.M. Stolker |
Mayor of Leiden | Drs. H.J.J. Lenferink |
Professor of anatomy, LUMC | Prof.dr. G.J.R. Maat |
Emeritus Professor Physiology, LUMC | Prof.dr. W.J. Rietveld |
Emeritus Professor Medical Ethics, LUMC | Mw. Prof.dr. H.M. Dupuis |
Professor Immunopathology, LUMC | Prof.dr. J.A. Bruijn |