L.M.D. Forestus (Board)
The Leiden Medical 'Dispuut' (student association) Forestus is the fifth core task of the M.F.L.S. and is founded at the 27th of May 1992. This association is an independent functioning organisating within the M.F.L.S., with their own Board. More information can be found on the website of Forestus.
Forestus organises regularly activities for her members. For example, each Tuesday's night there is a drink in 'De Hut van Ome Henne'. Besides those social activities, you can also attend lectures, excursions and guided tours.
At this moment, Forestus counts more than 300 members. A lot of the members are also an active member within the M.F.L.S.
Strengthening the ties within the faculty community, especially those between students themselves and between students and teachers;
Increasing the amount of possibilities to develop oneself and attending activities;
Broaden the view of its Members on the medical profession;
Increasing the knowledge of her Members, as well as enriching organizational and social capacities;
Offering relaxation and fun;
For questions towards the Board, you can mail to: forestusbestuur@mfls.nl
Board 2022-2023
Praeses | C.L. van Akkooi |
Ab actis | S.W. Plat |
Quaestor | L. van Esch |
Assessor internus | C.C.J. Veltkamp |
Assessor externus | J.M. Kellerhuis |