Wellbeing Officer
Every faculty of the University of Leiden has a Wellbeing officer. At the LUMC this is Jolanda Mol. She is cognitive psychologist and works at the LUMC as educational advisor. From her role she tries to bring all initiatives in the field of student wellbeing together and she tries to integrate them. Besides this, she works at implementation of the five national pillars Student wellbeing. It concerns 1) awareness for student wellbeing, 2) Prevention and early detection 3) Assistance and psychosocial interventions, 4) Professionalization of teachers and tutors and 5) bonding and safe study climate. Specifically you can think of delivery of a student centered roadmap Student wellbeing based on the questions that arise from student life or teaching assignments where students become aware of, monitor and promote their well-being. In addition, it is important to monitor closely so that the actions are in line with the needs of the students and the attention for student well-being is used increasingly proactively and preventively.
If you would like to know more about the guidance on offer, please visit the university's student wellbeing page: https://www.student.universiteitleiden.nl/vr/algemeen/studentenwelzijn?cf=geneeskunde-lumc&cd=geneeskunde-bscThere is more than you can imagine!
Jolanda Mol - Wellbeing Officer