Society HePatho

Students Bar HePatho

Students Bar HePatho

Students Bar HePatho 

HePatho opened in 1994, and was with the rest of the M.F.L.S. housed in the former Pathology Building of the LUMC. When the M.F.L.S. moved to building 1 in 2004, HePatho moved to its current location under lecture hall 1. HePatho was donated entirely by the Board of Directors of the LUMC. The M.F.L.S. has the right to manage and operate HePatho. Since its opening in 1994, HePatho has been a popular place for students, teachers and other LUMC employees. Lunch, breaks between classes, drinks and sometimes parties all take place in HePatho.

Reserve HePatho? Send an email to 

General terms and conditions of HePatho:

Everyone who visits Student Bar HePatho agrees to the following rules:

  • It is not allowed to smoke on the LUMC site.

  • HePatho is a society of and for students of the M.F.L.S.. Employees of the LUMC are welcome, but if they have not reserved, they can be asked to have a drink elsewhere. Groups larger than 10 people consisting of non-M.F.L.S. members are obliged to pay tapping fees.

  • The Bar Committee consists of students who volunteer every day for HePatho and the M.F.L.S.. They should be treated with respect.

  • The guests in HePatho are expected to leave the bar tidy after their visit. They will be charges if this is not the case.

  • All individuals on the LUMC site must behave in accordance with the normal rules of conduct and manners.

  • It is not allowed to consume your own consumptions in Student Bar HePatho.

  • No alcohol is served to people under the age of 18. The Bar Commission can ask any visitor for identification when in doubt.

  • The use, possession and / or trafficking of drugs and / or narcotics is strictly prohibited on the LUMC site. If this occurs, measures will be taken that could affect your career in the LUMC.

  • Instructions from the Bar Committee, the M.F.L.S.-Board or employees of the Facilities Department of the LUMC must be followed immediately.

  • The Bar Committee reserves the right to deny access to anyone or to request that they leave HePatho without stating a reason.

  • Failure to oblige to the above rules will result in forbidden access.

  • Reports of violations of law and forms of abuse will be reported to the police.


