
Announcement Musical

Announcement Musical

Publication date: 07/07/2022

Announcement Musical

Dancing in the Circus Theater of the greatest Showman or jumping basketball in a gym at High School Musical? This time not, because our upcoming lustrummsical will take place on a beautiful Persian flying carpet! On 29 June the M.F.L.S. presented Musicalcommittee after many hints on the Instagram the long awaited lustrummsiical: A whole New World! During the highly visited M.F.L.S. barbecue all members were able to enjoy the musical announcement of the committee and the delicious cake with the logo of the new musical. Do you want to be part of this fantastic lustrummical? Then, in September, please check to sing and act the stars of heaven or be a part of the orchestra, the auditions of which will take place in November and December! Put 14, 15 and 16 June 2023 in your agenda!
