Educational committees

Leiden Medical Interns Council (LCR)

Leiden Medical Interns Council (LCR)

Leiden Medical Interns Council (LCR)


Leiden Medical Interns Council (LCR)

The Leiden Medical Interns Council (LCR) is a council that represents all medical interns. It is committed to everything related to internships and interns. It has the following objectives:

  • To promote the interests of interns in the field of education and all other matters that can benefit the educational environment.
  • Representing the interests of interns in the area of ​​policy, management and governance of the LUMC educational community.
  • Function as a link between medical interns and the educational organisation of the LUMC.
  • Guarding the rights of the assistant.
  • Organising activities to support the internships.
  • Establishing and maintaining contacts with organisations.

To achieve these objectives, the LCR has the following tasks:

  • Meet to evaluate current plans, create new plans to implement the objectives, and discuss issues. The meeting takes place every three weeks.
  • Supervise the appointment of two representatives per co-group. The LCR organises a group meeting four times a year where all the internships are evaluated.
  • Participate in consultations in which education is evaluated. Also ensure that the agreements made are carried out.
  • Ensure representation by two members of the LCR at each affiliate meeting (consultations between the LUMC co-ordinator coordinator and medical interntrainers from the affiliates of the specialty in question).
  • Ensure representation by members of the LCR in the Education Committee (OLC) of the LUMC.
  • Ensure representation by members of the LCR in the Operational Education Consultation (OOO) (formerly: Executive Body Master) of the LUMC.
  • Ensure representation by members of the LCR at meetings of the Interfaculty Medical Student Consultation (IMS).
  • Ensure representation by members of the LCR in the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) of the M.F.L.S.
  • Ensure representation by a member of the LCR in the OOR (Education and Training Region).
  • Organising medical intern drinks, a symposium, a speed date event, workshops and more every year.
  • Advising on innovations / changes in education. For example, when developing an assessment system, the distribution of medical internpositions, and by joining the Task Force in developing a new curriculum.
  • Determining the best internship among interns by means of a survey.

The LUMC's Assessor and the Member Education Medicine and Pharmacy of the M.F.L.S.-Board are part of the LCR.

The Leiden Medical Interns Council attaches great importance to input from interns. For all complaints, comments and questions regarding internships, medical interns can address or email members of the Leiden Medical Interns Council via

Also add us on Facebook and Instagram!
Any questions for this commitee can be emailed to:


  • Yaël Nijhuis


  • Vera van Erkel


  • Milou Voogd


  • Isabel de Jager

    Member Education

  • Sjors van de Vusse

    Member Education

  • Maarten Bolscher

    Member Students

  • Salima Skalli

    Member PR

  • Abel Thissen

    Member LCR

  • Lara Tjepkema

    Member LCR

  • Marijn Wigchert

    Member LCR

  • Merel Mulder

    Member LCR

  • Yvette Keuzenkamp

    Member LCR

  • Matteo Demorest

    Student Assessor

  • Jasmijn van Rooden

    Member Education Medicine M.F.L.S. Board 2023-2024
